CQRS , Mediator Design Patterns and FluentValidation : videos in french

Younesse El Houb

Younesse El Houb

· 3 min read

CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) is a design pattern that separates data modification (commands) from data retrieval (queries), while MediatR is a library that implements the Mediator Design Pattern in C#, simplifying communication between components by centralizing request handling. These patterns enhance code organization, scalability, and maintainability in software development.

In the world of software design and architecture, there are numerous patterns and practices that can be used to create robust and maintainable code. Two such patterns, Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) and the Mediator Design Pattern, have gained popularity for improving code organization, scalability, and maintainability. In this blog post, we'll dive into these patterns and see how they can be implemented in a C# application using MediatR.

What is CQRS?
CQRS stands for Command Query Responsibility Segregation. It's a pattern that separates the data modification (commands) from the data retrieval (queries) in your application. This segregation has the potential to improve performance, scalability, and maintainability by allowing different models and databases for reading and writing.


In your code, you've defined two classes: CreateProductCommand for creating a new product and GetProductQuery for retrieving product information. These are classic examples of command and query objects in a CQRS architecture.

What is the Mediator Design Pattern?
The Mediator Design Pattern is used to reduce the direct coupling between objects and promote loose coupling. It centralizes communication between objects by introducing a mediator class that encapsulates the interaction logic. In your code, MediatR is the library that implements this pattern.


Here, you've created two handlers, CreateProductCommandHandler and GetProductQueryHandler, to handle the logic for creating a product and retrieving product information, respectively. MediatR takes care of routing the requests to the appropriate handlers.

Putting it All Together:
You've also implemented a simple ProductService class, which uses MediatR to send commands and queries. This class encapsulates the interaction between your application and the MediatR library, providing a clean separation of concerns.


In this blog post, we've explored the CQRS and Mediator Design Patterns in C# using the MediatR library. CQRS allows us to separate command and query responsibilities, while the Mediator pattern simplifies communication between components. This separation of concerns can lead to more maintainable and scalable code. When used correctly, these patterns can significantly improve the architecture of your C# applications.

Feel free to implement these patterns in your own projects to witness the benefits they offer in terms of code organization and maintainability. Good luck with your CQRS and Mediator adventures in C#!

Younesse El Houb

About Younesse El Houb

Software Engineer

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