Design Pattern in C# : video in english

Younesse El Houb

Younesse El Houb

· 1 min read

Design patterns are the building blocks for writing robust, maintainable, and scalable software. As a C# developer, mastering these patterns can elevate your coding skills and prepare you for solving complex problems in a systematic way. To help you grasp these concepts effectively, I have created a series of video tutorials that showcase the practical applications of various design patterns in C#.

In this article, I will provide an overview of the design patterns covered in my videos, along with a glimpse of their real-world applications. Let’s dive in!

1. Abstract Factory Pattern

2. Adapter Design Pattern

3. Composite Design Pattern

4. Factory Method Pattern

5. Proxy Design Pattern

6. Prototype Design Pattern


Design patterns are essential for building high-quality software, and mastering them is a key step in advancing your career as a developer. My video tutorials provide a hands-on approach to learning these patterns, making it easier to apply them in your own projects.

Stay tuned for more videos where I’ll dive into additional patterns, such as the Command, Adapter, and Composite patterns. Let’s continue to explore the art of software design together!

Younesse El Houb

About Younesse El Houb

Software Engineer

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